Amani Bay Smooth Red Wine 750ml
UGX 30,000
The palate entrance expresses a delicate tannin structure with an excellent fusion of coffee, chocolate and a sweet ripe black fruit. Best served with curry dishes, beef and lamb roast. 9% ABV.
The palate entrance expresses a delicate tannin structure with an excellent fusion of coffee, chocolate and a sweet ripe black fruit. Best served with curry dishes, beef and lamb roast. 9% ABV.
UGX 32,000
DELL Laptop Charger Big Pin 19.5- Black
UGX 32,000 -
UGX 25,000
Head&Shoulder Shampoo 2in1 Classic 400ml
UGX 25,000 -
UGX 210,000
Johnnie Walker Double Black Whisky 1000ml
UGX 210,000 -
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